An Estate Plan Is Your Script to a Lasting Legacy

An estate plan is your script to a lasting legacy. “We are all storytellers, and we are the stories we tell,” wrote American psychologist Dan McAdams. Narrative thinking refers to how we view our own role in the story of our lives. It is a more formal way of...

Does a Young Adult Need a Will?

As our client—and as a parent—you know that having a comprehensive estate plan ensures that your children will be taken care of if something happens to you. But what if something happens to your child? Should they have a will, too? And if they do not, what happens...

Consider a Pet Trust

Why Every Pet Parent Needs to Consider a Pet Trust Today Estate planning is about protecting what is important to you. Although much of the traditional estate planning conversation focuses on surviving spouses, children, grandchildren, and charities, many pet parents...

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Wills

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Wills The majority of Americans do not have a will, and the number of US households with a will has been in steady decline.[1] At the outset, it is important to dispel a recurring myth about estate planning: It is not just for the...