Changes to ABLE Accounts You Should Know

If you have a loved one with disabilities, you may be familiar with “ABLE” accounts, authorized by Congress in 2014 under the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act.  ABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts–similar to 529 education savings plans–whose funds...

Four Easy-to-Avoid Mistakes People Make at Tax Time

It’s that time of year again: TAX SEASON. No one enjoys doing their taxes, and that is likely why many of us leave this tedious task to the last…possible…moment. As Tax Day approaches, millions of Americans are likely scrambling to track down all of their important...

How A Living Trust Helps Your Family

There are several parts to an estate plan, one of them being a living trust. Common factors that prompt someone to create a trust include privacy, tax planning, avoiding probate, and caring for family members with special needs. A living trust also lets you dictate...

Saying “I Love You” With Your Estate Plan

While saying the words “I love you” is indeed romantic, you should know that putting together a well-crafted estate plan is a concrete way to care for your family in the long run. This is because doing so will help prevent your surviving family members from scrambling...

Estate Planning: Why Me, Why Now, and Is a Will Enough?

You have worked hard for years, have family members and friends you care about, and have approached a time in your life when “estate planning” sounds like something you should do, but you are not exactly sure why. You may feel that you are not wealthy enough or old...